Friday, February 15, 2019

South Coast Puerto Rico

Guancia - Harbor like a Fiord
So we have been along the south coast of Puerto Rico for 3 weeks.  We are currently in a slip at the Ponce Yacht Club.  The last 6 days have been windy and Julianne has mainly hidden from the winds since her return last Saturday.

We anchored behind Gilligans Island State Park, more properly known as Guanica.  We sat on anchor for 3 days while the wind consistently blew over 25 knots.  The constant wind and the thought of the anchor slipping, wears on you after a few days.  It felt very similar to the 6 day we rode out a blow at Mayguana Bahamas in early December.

Anchorage at Guancia with Nordhaven "Pinch Me" at anchor
Nothing much to report.  Diving the outer reefs in La Parguara was OK.  The coral reefs were well formed, but I have been spoiled by underwater visibility of the Bahamas.  When we moved to Guancia on Sunday to get to a protected harbor for the blow that was forecast for the next few days.  We made made a video of how Julianne found a new friend named Ceasar at the Copa Resort in Guancia

Julianne Touring Ponce

Ponce Fire House
We met a nice couple from British Columbia on a 78 ft Nordhaven named "Pinch Me".  They were on a practice cruise getting ready to cross the Atlantic in May.  We met when they used the "Harbor Tour" concept on us.  I had said Hi to them when we passed them before anchoring.  Later that day, they came by in their tender and invited us over for cocktails.  Their boat was beautiful, but
unfortunately they were heading west, and we were still heading east.

Julianne & Kristen at Don Q Mansion
Yesterday, we moved to Ponce to resupply for the next 8 days.  While we were checking in we ran into Tibby and Kristen who we had originally met in Boqueron.  They had docked in Ponce to finish some repairs.  They offered to take us shopping and we ended up touring Ponce and the Castle of the founder of of Don Q Rum.  That evening, we crashed their Valentines dinner.  We never made it to the grocery store, so we stayed a second night.
Don Q Hill Top Mansion

We are leaving in the morning for Isla Caja de Muertos, which translates to Coffin Island.  We plan to stay there a few days and explore the lighthouse and the beach.
Jim with Sancho Panza

Overlooking Ponce to Coffin Island

Ponce from Don Q Mansion

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