Monday, December 3, 2018

Remote Spearfishing at Ragged Island

Sitting on anchor at Hog Cay just north of Ragged Island and 60 miles from Cuba.  We visited Ragged Island today and saw the devastation from Hurricane Irma.  Amazing how the Bahamian
Ragged Island Town Hall
Gov't offers no help to these outer islands. 

We left Flying Fish Marina in Long Island Thursday Nov 29th and decided to move south through the Jumentos.  Big change from the original plan.  We got some information from the president of Head Hunter Spear Fishing who had been to the Jumentos a few years ago.  He reported lots of lobster, Grouper and Hog Fish. 

Sam with the Pole Spears
We were ahead of schedule due to the last front, so we decided to give it a go.  We anchored at Raccoon Cay as there were deep cuts on each end of the island that were perfect for drift dives.   Ryan wanted a night dive, so I took him is the dingy and he got 13 lobster in 20 minutes.  He lost his spear in a hole so he caught the last 10 by hand in 35 ft of water.

Grouper & Hog Fish
The next day the 3 of us went in the dingy.  Sam and I switched off driving while Ryan and the other dove.  I was just starting to get comfortable in the water making dives from 25 to 35 feet, then chasing Nassau Grouper or Hog Fish.  Just a little advice, Hog Fish are the best tasting fish ever.  You'll never see them in the stores up north, but they taste much better than Grouper.

We stayed at Raccoon for 3 nights then moved here today.  Just amazing how folks can live in the conditions they have since the hurricane.  There was 200 folks here, now they are down to 60 as no one is rebuilding.  The remaining men were all out fishing and the women we talked with in the town were the nicest folks.  It was like a ghost town.  Very sad.

Case of O'Doul's on Long Island
We met two boats in the new anchorage at Hog Cay so we went to visit.  A single German and a
Ragged Island
husband and wife from Scotland.  They spend the winter's down here every year.  Very laid back.  They were  totally  against going to the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico.  He said you need to do it once, then you will stay in the Bahamas.  I'll be collecting more opinions

Houses with No Roofs on Main St.

Onto a 1 acre cay in the Crooked Island Passage called Cay Verde for some spear fishing, then an all night slow cruise to arrive at Great Inagua at sunrise Wednesday morning.  We plan to spend as much as a week there.  This island is the operational island for Morton Salt Company.  Should be a big change from these sad condition at Ragged Island. 

Next blog may be the story of our night with Bobby at Rum Cay.  A book is being written about him.  A modern day Bahamian legend that the entire country has heard of...

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