Sunday, November 25, 2018

Grouper, Lobster, Grouper

Writing from a uninhabited remote Island in the southern Bahamas

Ryan and Sam got on Top Shelf on Friday at Staniel Cay and we decided to take the 65 nautical mile run to get to the west side of this island.

Quick introduction to Ryan Myers, who is the 2017 North American Spearfishing Champion and Samantha Mase, who is the current women's World Champion.  I wrote Ryan an email back in April, and this trip ended up as a result.

We got here at 3 pm, launched the tender and when scouting.  The storm to the north of us was delivering long period 8 foot swells, which made the ride in the 13 ft tender interesting.

Sam Loves Lobster
Scouting mission complete, we got back to the boat.  Sam wanted lobster for dinner, so they jumped in the water at the boat with two flashlights and went hunting.  Sam speared the 13 lb lobster sitting on top of a rock.  See the picture for the results....more lobster than the 3 of us could eat.

Rolly night at the anchorage lead to a beautiful morning.  We sat around till about 10 am letting the sun get good and high, then started the hunt.  Ryan was not hunting, he was guiding me.  I had to get used to handling the 9 foot spear, proper loading, and how to stock a fish underwater.  I had 4 good shots and missed them all.  A little more training and just getting more comfortable in the water lead to my first spearfish.  A 6 pound Rainbow Grouper.  I was finally on the board. 
Jim & Ryan's Catch

I dove down hunting a Nassau Grouper and when I came up, Ryan pointed out the lobster I swam by.  I never saw him.  He traded me is Hawaiian Sling for my pole spear and down I went.  Having never shot a lobster, I got down face to face with him, took the shot and missed.  Ryan retrieved the spear and said he came out of a hole on the other side of the reef.  This time I followed his instruction and shot him from above.  Right through the head.  My first lobster.

My final fish of the day was a Yellow Fin Grouper.  These are typically hard to shoot (for a beginner), but I was starting to put to use some of Ryan's training.  Straight down to 26 feet.  Establish yourself on the bottom, RELAX, move slowly up of the coral that you are hiding behind.  Left hand on the structure, aim and fire.  Shot him right through the gill plate, recovered the spear before he ran into the coral and swam with my fish in hand to the surface.  Total dive time, 45 seconds, max depth of 31 feet.
Day 1's Catch

Sam went 2 for two with what we thought was a world record Yellow Fin Grouper, but when we weighed it, it was six pounds short of the record of 22 lbs.

Since we would be cleaning fish, Ryan made two dives to 60 feet and got the two Groupers you see in the above picture.

These two are great kids, world class hunters, and great cooks.  We cleaned all the fish you see in the pics, vacuumed bagged and froze them and will give most of this catch to the locals in Clarence Town when we get there Wednesday.

Dr. are the pics you were looking for LOL

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